Joining us from OHSU in Portland, Marijane won the drawing for a free year of MLA membership offered during our PNCMLA membership and renewal period. Upon learning of her selection, Marijane replied "Oh wow! The drawing was why I decided to reinstate my membership but I really did not expect I’d win it." We are thrilled to have her reinstated with PNCMLA and to support her engagement with MLA over the next year.
Long-time PNC (board) member and Providence Hospital librarian, Basia, has seen, heard, and done it all in her library career. As a featured voice of the NNLM Region 5 blog series on Hospital Librarians, she shares some of her insights....
"The realization that I had a small role in that success made me remember one of the things I love about hospital librarianship – that we get to work closely with many different hospital groups – administrators, clinicians, research teams, social workers, therapists, security and more, and that the work we do supports all aspects of the care provided at the hospital and hospital operations. I hadn’t always felt that way and I didn’t always appreciate hospital librarianship."
Read the full post here:
Carrie Grinstead, will present a poster at this year's Library Assessment Conference titled: Making a Difference in Healthcare: Impact of Librarian-Mediated Literature Review Services.
Hosted by The Association of Research Libraries and the University of Washington Libraries, The Library Assessment Conference brings together practitioners and researchers working in the broad fields of library assessment, user experience, and organizational performance measurement. If you are planning to attend, stop by their presentation to give some PNC support!
Here is what they have to say about this project:
"The Providence Library team receives many grateful responses to our literature searches, but we wanted more detailed, consistent information about our impacts to inform leadership and improve our services. Previous studies have documented the importance of library services in hospitals, and the impact librarians make on quality patient care. As a small team serving a large health system, we need to carefully evaluate the effects of our work, share successes, and gather information that will help us improve. We conducted a quality improvement project to understand whether a professional literature review service impacts patient care and saves clinicians’ time in a large integrated health system.
We adapted, with permission, the survey instrument and methods of a recent quality improvement project authored by Siemensma, et al (2021) in the Journal of Hospital Librarianship, surveying our literature search requestors and collecting data over the course of 2023. Overall, we received very positive feedback from users and nearly everyone perceived our search quality to be high or very high. Results show that our literature search service saves clinicians’ time and the information provided impacts both patient care and policy."
You can learn more about this project here:
Member Brynn Beals from Washington and members Anna Bjartmarsdottir and Jennifer McKay from Alaska were featured in the NNLM Region 5 Blog this month for National Medical Librarians Month. Read about their experiences here:
Member Heidi Sue Adams from Montana had her story featured in the National Medical Librarians Month Impact Story series: