Pacific Northwest Chapter
of MLA

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  • 01 Aug 2024 1:51 PM | Nicole Vollum (Administrator)

    Please join us on August 7th 2024 for the latest PNC-MLA Health Equity and Diversity Speaker Series talk: 

    Challenges for Agricultural Producers and Workers: How to Assist Those on the Front Line 

    Presented by Gracia María Puerto Hernández, Spanish Speaking Agricultural Extension Coordinator, Washington State University Skagit County Extension. 

  • 26 Jul 2024 12:43 PM | Nicole Vollum (Administrator)

      Our Board has been hard at work this year meeting almost weekly to discuss various topics related to membership engagement, annual meetings, professional development, chapter finances, scholarships, and much more. This time together as a Board is very valuable but we also agree that the voice of our membership is the most important resource we have. 

    Therefore, we would love to invite PNC members, or those interest in learning more about our chapter, to join us for a monthly meeting to get to know each other, ask questions, give feedback, and have some virtual connection time!  This opportunity is open to library students, library staff and librarians alike. We want you all to come chat with us!

    The meetings will be held the first Thursday of the month through the end of the year from 9am-10am PST . The dates are as follows (note: we may use one of these as our fall business meeting as well):

    • 8/1/2024
    • 9/5/2024
    • 10/3/2024
    • 11/7/2024
    • 12/5/2024

    Please email for the meeting link or with any questions. 

    We look forward to seeing you all soon! 

  • 06 May 2024 12:30 PM | Nicole Vollum (Administrator)

    As MLA Portland quickly approaches, we are excited to gather together as a community nationally and locally. PNCMLA would love to plan a brief get together for our regional members (and non-members, come join the team!), so please take a moment to fill out this brief interest survey:

    We have also created a PNCMLA Discord server to coordinate during the conference. There is a channel for members to post their presentation times and locations so we can show up with some local support. Join the server here:

    And last but not least, we are so happy to announce the recipients of our 2024 PNCMLA conference scholarship:

    • Megan Benfield
    • Frances Chu
    • Ann Dyer
    • Irene Miller
    • Sara Ostlund
    • Ekaterini Papadopoulou

  • 19 Feb 2024 1:03 PM | Nicole Vollum (Administrator)

     We are happy to report that a total of $1000 was donated to the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums following the 2023 PNCMLA Conference. Standing for the meaningful intention behind Indigenous land acknowledgement, PNCMLA is committed to the active support of regional Tribal libraries and their work. 

    The Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM) is "an international non-profit organization that maintains a network of support for Indigenous programs, provides culturally relevant programming and services, encourages collaboration among tribal and non-tribal cultural institutions, and articulates contemporary issues related to developing and sustaining the cultural sovereignty of Native Nations." 

    To read more about and donate directly to the amazing work of ATALM, you can visit their webpage

  • 01 Feb 2024 11:58 AM | Nicole Vollum (Administrator)

    Congratulations to our new 2024 Executive Board! 

     Position  Name  Term
     Chair    Mary Beth McAteer  2024
     Past Chair    Electra Enslow  2024
     Chair Elect    Ekaterini Papadopoulou  2024
     Membership Secretary    Frances Chu  2024 - 2026
     Recording Secretary    Jennifer McKay  2024 
     Treasurer    Heather Hawley  2023-2024
     Past Treasurer    Teresa Jewell
     Treasurer Elect    Katheryn Vela  2024
     Chapter Council Representative    Andrea Ball  2024 - 2026
     Chapter Council Alternative    Anna Bjartmarsdottir  2024 - 2026
     MLA Nominating Committee Candidate    Rian Debner  2024
     Communications Committee Chair/Webmaster (non-board position)    Nicole Vollum 2024 - 

  • 06 Dec 2023 9:12 AM | Ekaterini Papadopoulou (Administrator)

    All current members of PNCMLA should have had an email by now reminding them to vote in the board elections - if you're having trouble voting please let Ekaterini know:

    Please cast your votes asap - results will be announced in the new year and the poll will close on Dec 31st!

  • 20 Nov 2023 1:12 PM | Ekaterini Papadopoulou (Administrator)

    UPDATE 11/20 7pm:  Thank you to out latest nominees:

    Jennifer McKay moving her nomination Chapter Rep

    and Anna Bjartmarsdottir nominated as Alternate

    We now have only two open positions without nominees so far:

    • Treasurer Elect Nominee:  ____________________
    • MLA Nominating Committee Candidate Nominee: ___________

    Nominations are still open for the 2024 Board Positions!

    Are you interested in getting involved in the chapter, learning from your fellow medical librarians, and building your portfolio for AHIP?

    Let Ekaterini know which position you're nominating yourself for by November 30th by emailing: 

    Current slate of nominees:

    • Chair Elect Nominee: Ekaterini Papadopoulou
    • Recording Secretary Nominee: Anna Bjartmarsdottir 
    • Membership Secretary Nominee: Frances Chu (agreed to run again)
    • Chapter Council Representative: Jennifer McKay

    Open positions without nominees so far:

    • Treasurer Elect Nominee:  ____________________
    • MLA Nominating Committee Candidate Nominee: ___________

    Learn more about the position responsibilities here.

    Here's how the full 2024 Board is shaping up:


    ** still vacant

     Chair  Mary Beth McAteer  2024
     Past Chair  Electra Enslow  2024
     Chair Elect  Ekaterini Papadopoulou*  2024
     Recording Secretary  Jennifer McKay*  2024
     Membership Secretary  Frances Chu*  2024 - 2026
     Treasurer  Heather Hawley  2023 - 2024
     Past Treasurer  Teresa Jewell
     Treasurer Elect**
     Chapter Council Representative  Jennifer McKay*  2024 - 2026
     Chapter Council Alternative  Anna Bjartmarsdottir*  2024 - 2026
     MLA Nominating Committee Candidate**    2024
     Communications Committee Chair/Webmaster (non-board position)  Nicole Vollum 2024 -

  • 03 Nov 2023 8:17 AM | Ekaterini Papadopoulou (Administrator)

    Join us next week for the 2023 Online Conference - included in the conference registration is the opportuntity to earn 1.5 MLA CE credits:

    Jessi Van Der Volgen and Jamia Williams will be joining us to teaching the course Activate, Collaborate, Educate: Library Health Outreach and Programming

    We hope to see you there!

  • 02 Nov 2023 10:47 AM | Ekaterini Papadopoulou (Administrator)

    Register for the PNCMLA 2023 Conference now - our keynote speaker is now announced! 

    Join us online on November 8th and 9th to hear presentations from across the US, get chapter and NLM Region updates, and hear about How Medical Librarians Can Stop the Spread of Retracted Research from Dr Jodi Schneider, our keynote speaker.

    2023 Conference Keynote Address:

    Title: How Medical Librarians Can Stop the Spread of Retracted Research

    Bio: Dr. Jodi Schneider is Associate Professor of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where she directs the Information Quality Lab. She studies the science of science through the lens of arguments, evidence, and persuasion. Her work evaluates tools to reduce information overload in medical literature and develops approaches to improve citation integrity. Her work has been funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the European Commission, IMLS, NIH, ORI, Science Foundation Ireland, and an NSF CAREER award. She is a Public Voices Fellow of the OpEd Project and the PI of Reducing the Inadvertent Spread of Retracted Science.

  • 10 Oct 2023 9:48 PM | Ekaterini Papadopoulou (Administrator)

    Join us online, Nov 8 and 9 for our annual conference!

    • Keynote
    • Continuing Education 
    • Research, quality improvement, program development and evaluation presentations, Lightning Talks and Posters
    • Updates from Chapters and MLA

    Register NOW!

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Medical Library Association
Founded in 1898, the Medical Library Association is a professional organization of more than 1,200 institutions and 4,000 professionals in the health information field. MLA fosters excellence in the professional achievement and leadership of health science library and information professionals to enhance the quality of health care, education, and research. Members interested in MLA's peer-reviewed professional development and career recognition program should visit the AHIP page. Contact the PNC AHIP Liaison if you have questions about this program. MLA also provides financial support (awards) to health sciences librarians at a variety of levels, including grants, scholarships, and fellowships. MLA has guidelines, tip sheets, and resources for mentoring on their site. Visit the MLA web site at for additional information.

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